Sorry for the late update. Life got in the way as usual. Day 2 brought on a whole bunch of abdominal pain for the wife. She described it as if she had period cramps X10. Every time she tried using the bathroom, the pain was unimaginable. We had called the doctors again, and again. Still nothing for the pain. Tylenol works on and off. It was a suggestion by the Doctors to try something called Colace which is astronomical for an over the counter stool softener. The other suggestions were Myralax. Apparently Myralax was a 7 dose bottle of white, unflavored, powder that you add to any drink of choice. Low and behold just 2 days later, and the pain subsided allowing her to go normal. It was great news actually! 2 days later? Right back where she was! The cramps returned the same as before, to the same result. We tried the Myralax thing again, and 2 days later again everything was normal.

Last night was truly the first time in a week that she had smiled without pain. The doctors stated what was supposed to happen based on others who have tried the trial. The cramps were abnormal but, the did say that things had to get worse before they were to get better. The doctors didn’t expect the immunotherapy to go to work so quickly in her. The doctors said it would take about 3 weeks. The bleeding they had said she would get came within 6 days rather than the 3rd week so, the doctors have been pretty hopeful! So as far as we know, the immunotherapy armed forces have started to attack the mass, and have been pretty successful so far!

We decided to go out last night to enjoy some music with some great friends. It was great to see her smile, laugh, and sing again! We were only out for a few hours but, it was totally worth it! Today is day 7 and still seems everything is pretty much the same. We are both hoping that the worst of the pain and suffering was pretty much just this so she can continue to go to work doing what she enjoys while doing her treatments. Its still early yet. 9 more treatments to go within the next 5 1/2 months. We will find out more once we go to see the doctors on the 18th of this month where they will go in to see what has happened so far.

Keep us in your prayers.

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