Daily writing prompt
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

When I was in my younger years, the concept of life was to build on yourself to make a future to what you expected to become. Life has its ups and downs, but truly life is the journey to the unknown. Did you really know you would have arrived here? Was it all what you had expected?

As the years have passed, it seems at least in my experience that life has become a bit more calm and I find myself wanting to learn more on everything about yourself. After many years of research I found that there is a wealth of information out in the world by billions of people on ideas as to how to live a very long life. It all really depends on whom you decide to listen to. I find that eating healthy is a big deal especially as you get older. You don’t realize it but, out of most of the mass-produced food in the world, every ingredient that seems great for anybody is actually bad for you as you get older. If I knew then what I have figured out in the present day, I would have started this a long time ago!

High amounts of sugar in food is bad. Carbs are just as bad as the sugars because your body turns carbs into sugar! If you have wondered why you have extra weight in all the wrong places, it’s due to the fact that your body is storing sugar for a later purpose which is unknown. On another note… If you have headaches, body aches, cramps, gas, or anything of the annoying sort and you need an aspirin or two, using them on a normal basis is like poison to your body. Over-the-counter “temp” meds are what they are supposed to be. Using an excessive amount of them and you are more or less poisoning your body. Exercise is another thing that people look past. You have to move around more. Being lazy all the time, or not wanting to move works against your body’s normal processes. Your brain is a powerful, well-oiled machine, so to say. When you get older, and you don’t move as much, your brain takes that into consideration, and in due time will take nutrients out of your unused muscles and bones that you are not using on a daily basis, and puts those nutrients somewhere else in your body where they will have a better use. Then in time, what will happen is that eventually you get muscle collapse, and can’t walk. There is the reason right there.

All of this being said can create many exciting stories and provide learned lessons. Many blog subjects can teach others about your own experiences. The concept of living a long life is this. Learn as much as you can from books, audio books, YouTube, school, etc. You would be amazed to find out about as much as the world has to offer from different sources. Based on what you learn, you can weigh the differences, conduct further research to weather whether or not the said subject holds weight, and more. Then lead your life based on that research. If you find something works for you, make sure to teach that to everyone you know so they can do the same things. In the end, we are all out to get to the same destination. Some people know, others are unaware, and some don’t even look for the info. The more people who learn from others, the longer a life can be lived based on keeping your body always doing something.

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